Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I've been pondering on the greatest dangers to the urban biker:

- Cars
- Pedestrians
- The street itself (border stones, I hate you)
- Road works

My bet is on the last point. All crashes and near-crashes I've had so fare were due to road works. My second bet is on the street itself - sometimes combined with cars. Usually cars that block the bikelane. They certainly make biking more of a hassle. I think for the next election, I'm rooting for the party that promises to provide a better biking infrastructure.


CwB said...

Welcome back! ^^

Bin schon gespannt auf die Rad'l-G'schicht'n, die man hier bald lesen kann! ;-)
Radfahren in Linz scheint noch abenteuerlicher zu sein als bei uns am Land ... und da habe ich's schon oft satt.


Manuela said...

In der Innenstadt ist's definitiv abenteuerlich. Aber die 10 Minuten Stress pro Tag nehme ich in Kauf, das Gefühl an der Donau entlang zu fahren gleicht das zehmal aus. Ich hoffe, ich überleb's nur lang genug, um es zu genießen.