I know now where I'll go looking if I'm lacking inspiration for my characters' clothes.
Amazon is granting a 10% discount for all books ordered in October by Austrian customers. Ohmigod. I did not want to buy even more new books in the near future, but I am SO gonna buy LOADS of books that are on my wishlist. (Hello consumer society. This is me. I fear I cannot refuse you if you offer me the printed word on paper between cardboard boxes.)
So in November, instead of writing a book, I will have to rent a thatched hut in Ireland, shut myself and read.
Ahem. Excuse me. My not-so-secret addition might have briefly taken over my brains. But I'm fine now. I think.
We did some 10min-poses today (usually it's twenty minutes). I also started a new sketchpad with darker paper, making it a pain to scan and and interesting experiment with highlights (failed experiment nonetheless).
Three hours isn't enough.

What? Where? Discount? On books? Yummy, yummy books!
Must order, must order, must order!
I shouldn't, I have two enormous plant/gardening books I still need to read, and I need to study, and I've decided to give NaNoWriMo a try, too, but-but-but - books! Books! BOOKS!
(No, you're not alone with your addiction. And I haven't forgotten about the mail I wanted to write, I'm just too insanely busy.)
I also still have a bookshelf full of unread books and got two new ones on Monday. If I had known, I'd have waited a few days with the order.
New books means even more busy-ness. You should come to my Irish cottage and shut yourself in there with me (but you might have to keep your books away from me, else I'll die from book-overkill) ;)
Hehe, I don't think you'd be all that tempted by Bedding and Balcony Plants or Guerilla Gardening. :D
Ahem, I'm afraid I have to say, Guerilla Gardening does tempt me a bit. The alliteration tickles the literary girl in me ;)
Teehee - it's a funny idea too - and Leonding would offer lots of opportunities for it.
The bookshot @ the Taubenmarkt had a flea market (2€ for selected books) today (Monday), maybe also the rest of the week.
Most were russian/sovjet literature such as Tolstoi or Puschkin (and a book about the Sovjet Union called "UdSSR the way to modern lifestyle" or something like it, made me grin :) ).
BtW: sorry if I bore you with the abscence of knowlage but what the heck is guerilla gardening (sounds nerdy (imho)).
I was at that bookshop today - no UdSSR, but "Women and Monks" ;)
Thanks for the tipp! I found a nice book on livedrawing inside.
Guerilla guardening IS nerdy. Magpie is a garden nerd. There's no plant she can't identify (in Latin).
so what IS guerilla gardening? (exept nerdy, right now thats everything I know about it^^)
If you are a guerilla gardener do you plant trees in foreign gardens and flowers in public parks or how should I imagine this?
From what I understand, guerilla gardeners choose an abandoned patch of land and sow seeds of vegetables and other plants to make it useful again (in the small scale).
The Wikipedia page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guerrilla_gardening gives some nice insight plus examples. Lots of activism, from what I read.
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