Sunday, February 11, 2007


Over at DAF the second Zoomquilt, to which I contributed a tile, got finished. It's very (long? deep? extensive?) ... there are lots and lots of tiles and worlds to discover in it; quite amazing.
(You can change the zoom-in/out speed through the bar on the left.)


Over at Youtube Randis Albion uploaded some videos showing him paint. He makes painting look easy and effortless, which is impressive.


It seems that in response to Get a First Life the legal department of Linden Lab has sent a not-quite cease-and-desist letter to the website owner. It's funny as hell and a quite clever move of LL. Kudos to them, also for allowing the creator the use of the altered logo on his sellable goods.


Not sure if I have posted this image yet. I started it months ago but didn't find the time to finish it during the semester. Some weeks ago I took it up ago and finished it. Not quite happy with it, with the light situation and the guy's anatomy.

It's an illustration of The Story of Brutus and Diana's Prophecy from "The History of the Kings of Britain" by Geoffrey of Monmouth (12th century).

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