An artifical waterfall in Canal City, Fukuoka (Japan). Some really nice stuff going on there, especially towards the end.
And the new season of Heroes has started. Very nice start - I got a bit bored by in the middle of Season 2, but the first two episodes of number three are very promising.
I started live-drawing again, after not having done it for five years due to my studies. It's good to be drawing live models again. Hopefully it will improve my anatomy and drafting skills. Right now I probably have to focus on the anatomy and the lineweight; I'm still pronouncing parts of the body that lie further back too much.

Zwei interessante Artikel aus dem Standard: Am 23. September wurden die weltweiten Ressourcen verbraucht (in Österreich sogar schon im April, was uns wirklich zu denken geben sollte).
und ein Interview mit der 11-jährigen Tochter einer Ukrainerin über das Leben in Österreich und die gefühlte Ausländerfeindlichkeit.